Component Total Dismissed Active Translated
box-manager 1 0 1 1
designer 3 0 3 3
engrampa 10 0 10 10
filezilla 43 0 43 43
gparted 6 0 6 6
grub 5 0 5 5
Internationalization 6 0 6 6
kolourpaint 20 0 20 20
kylin_activation 1 0 1 1
kylin-file-crush 1 0 1 1
kylin-font-viewer 1 0 1 1
kylin-netcheck-tools 27 0 27 27
kylin-os-manager-remote-user 2 0 2 2
kylin-recorder 2 0 2 2
linguist 11 0 11 11
logview 1 0 1 1
network-manager-l2tp 1 0 1 1
po-properties 4 0 4 4
qbox 1 0 1 1
qt 11 0 11 11
remmina 9 0 9 9
transmission 4 0 4 4
ukcc-bluetooth 1 0 1 1
ukui-bluetooth 1 0 1 1
ukui-clock 2 0 2 2
ukui-control-center 8 0 8 8
ukui-search 1 0 1 1
ukui-session-manager 3 0 3 3
ukui-system-monitor 2 0 2 2
win-data-migration 1 0 1 1

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