Component Total Dismissed Active Translated
activity-log-manager 1 0 1 1
anjuta 4 0 4 4
apport 1 0 1 1
apt 1 0 1 1
apt-listchanges 1 0 1 1
apt-utils 1 0 1 1
aptdaemon 3 0 3 3
aptitude 2 0 2 2
apturl 3 0 3 3
audacious 2 0 2 2
audacious-plugins 5 0 5 5
binutils 1 0 1 1
blueman 1 0 1 1
brasero 29 0 29 29
byobu 2 0 2 2
caja 29 0 29 29
ccsm 1 0 1 1
claws-mail 80 0 80 80
coreutils 2 0 2 2
cpio 4 0 4 4
credentials-control-center 1 0 1 1
deja-dup 6 0 6 6
doc-base 1 0 1 1
dselect 4 0 4 4
empathy 2 0 2 2
eom 2 0 2 2
evince 3 0 3 3
file-roller 3 0 3 3
gcr 2 0 2 2
gdebi 1 0 1 1
gdk-pixbuf 1 0 1 1
gimp20 17 0 17 17
gimp20-std-plug-ins 11 0 11 11
gnome_paint 1 0 1 1
gnome-control-center-2.0 2 0 2 2
gnome-keyring 1 0 1 1
gnome-logs 1 0 1 1
gnome-mahjongg 1 0 1 1
gnome-mines 1 0 1 1
gnome-nibbles 1 0 1 1
gnome-screenshot 1 0 1 1
gnome-system-tools 9 0 9 9
gnome-terminal 2 0 2 2
gnome-tetravex 1 0 1 1
grub 2 0 2 2
gtk20 1 0 1 1
gtksourceview-2.0 1 0 1 1
indicator-session 3 0 3 3
kconfigwidgets5 1 0 1 1
kio5 21 0 21 21
kwidgetsaddons5_qt 4 0 4 4
kxmlgui5 3 0 3 3
kylin-control-center 2 0 2 2
kylin-menu 1 0 1 1
landscape-client 3 0 3 3
language-selector 1 0 1 1
libc 4 0 4 4
lightdm 2 0 2 2
man-db-gnulib 4 0 4 4
mate-applets 6 0 6 6
mate-panel 7 0 7 7
mate-session-manager 2 0 2 2
mate-settings-daemon 6 0 6 6
mate-system-monitor 3 0 3 3
mate-terminal 4 0 4 4
mate-utils 8 0 8 8
mozo 2 0 2 2
mutt 42 0 42 42
nautilus 10 0 10 10
NetworkManager 1 0 1 1
orca 1 0 1 1
PackageKit 6 0 6 6
pam 1 0 1 1
pppoeconf 1 0 1 1
seahorse 7 0 7 7
sessioninstaller 6 0 6 6
shotwell 4 0 4 4
simple-scan 2 0 2 2
software-properties 1 0 1 1
sudoers 2 0 2 2
swift 1 0 1 1
system-config-printer 16 0 16 16
tar 4 0 4 4
texinfo 1 0 1 1
tracker 1 0 1 1
ubiquity-debconf 2 0 2 2
ubuntu-release-upgrader 8 0 8 8
ufw 3 0 3 3
unattended-upgrades 1 0 1 1
unity-control-center 1 0 1 1
unity-settings-daemon 1 0 1 1
update-manager 2 0 2 2
update-notifier 1 0 1 1
usbcreator 4 0 4 4
util-linux 1 0 1 1
vino 5 0 5 5
webbrowser-app 5 0 5 5
xchat-gnome 1 0 1 1
xdg-user-dirs-gtk 1 0 1 1
zenity 1 0 1 1
zenmap 1 0 1 1

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Source and translation do not both end with a question mark