Component Total Dismissed Active Translated
acl 1 0 1 1
adduser 5 0 5 5
alacarte 1 0 1 1
alternative-toolbar 1 0 1 1
anjuta 27 0 27 27
app-install-data 4 0 4 4
apport 1 0 1 1
appstream-glib 1 0 1 1
apt 4 0 4 4
apt-utils 2 0 2 2
aptdaemon 20 0 20 20
aptitude 12 0 12 12
apturl 2 0 2 2
aspell 3 0 3 3
attr 1 0 1 1
audacious 15 0 15 15
audacious-plugins 30 0 30 30
avahi 2 0 2 2
balsa 12 0 12 12
bash 4 0 4 4
bfd 5 0 5 5
bijiben 1 0 1 1
binutils 16 0 16 16
biometric-driver-frt610 1 0 1 1
bison 2 0 2 2
blueman 14 0 14 14
bootloader 2 0 2 2
brasero 39 0 39 39
byobu 1 0 1 1
caja 44 0 44 44
caja-extensions 8 0 8 8
caribou 2 0 2 2
cheese 1 0 1 1
claws-mail 113 0 113 113
clutter-1.0 5 0 5 5
cogl 12 0 12 12
colord 2 0 2 2
command-not-found 1 0 1 1
compiz 1 0 1 1
coreutils 8 0 8 8
cpio 13 0 13 13
cups 4 0 4 4
dconf-editor 3 0 3 3
dctrl-tools 2 0 2 2
debconf 5 0 5 5
deja-dup 8 0 8 8
desktop-icons 1 0 1 1
devhelp 1 0 1 1
diffutils 4 0 4 4
dnsmasq 1 0 1 1
dpkg 2 0 2 2
dpkg-dev 1 0 1 1
dselect 15 0 15 15
duplicity 15 0 15 15
e2fsprogs 7 0 7 7
empathy 3 0 3 3
empathy-tpaw 3 0 3 3
eog 2 0 2 2
eog-plugins 1 0 1 1
eom 5 0 5 5
epiphany 8 0 8 8
evince 6 0 6 6
fetchmail 1 0 1 1
file-roller 3 0 3 3
findutils 9 0 9 9
flex 10 0 10 10
fontconfig 1 0 1 1
friendly-recovery 8 0 8 8
gas 3 0 3 3
GConf2 1 0 1 1
gcr 4 0 4 4
gdebi 2 0 2 2
gdk-pixbuf 1 0 1 1
geary 3 0 3 3
gedit 7 0 7 7
gettext-runtime 3 0 3 3
gettext-tools 3 0 3 3
ghex-3.0 2 0 2 2
gimp20 49 0 49 49
gimp20-libgimp 7 0 7 7
gimp20-script-fu 4 0 4 4
gimp20-std-plug-ins 48 0 48 48
git 5 0 5 5
git-gui 2 0 2 2
gitg 2 0 2 2
glade 11 0 11 11
glib20 5 0 5 3
gnome_paint 5 0 5 5
gnome-bluetooth2 2 0 2 2
gnome-boxes 4 0 4 4
gnome-builder 5 0 5 5
gnome-calendar 4 0 4 4
gnome-color-manager 1 0 1 1
gnome-contacts 1 0 1 1
gnome-control-center-2.0 16 0 16 16
gnome-dictionary 1 0 1 1
gnome-disk-utility 3 0 3 3
gnome-keyring 3 0 3 3
gnome-logs 2 0 2 2
gnome-maps 3 0 3 3
gnome-nibbles 1 0 1 1
gnome-online-accounts 1 0 1 1
gnome-photos 6 0 6 6
gnome-screenshot 2 0 2 2
gnome-settings-daemon 1 0 1 1
gnome-shell 5 0 5 5
gnome-software 5 0 5 5
gnome-sound-recorder 1 0 1 1
gnome-system-monitor 4 0 4 4
gnome-system-tools 7 0 7 7
gnome-terminal 8 0 8 8
gnome-tetravex 4 0 4 4
gnome-themes-standard 1 0 1 1
gnome-todo 2 0 2 2
gnome-tweaks 5 0 5 5
gnome-vfs-2.0 2 0 2 2
gnupg 1 0 1 1
gnupg2 1 0 1 1
gnutls30 1 0 1 1
gold 2 0 2 2
gprof 1 0 1 1
grep 1 0 1 1
grub 9 0 9 9
gsettings-desktop-schemas 2 0 2 2
gst-plugins-base-1.0 1 0 1 1
gstreamer-1.0 1 0 1 1
gtk20 16 0 16 16
gtk20-properties 10 0 10 10
gtksourceview-2.0 13 0 13 13
gtksourceview-3.0 2 0 2 2
gtksourceview-4 2 0 2 2
gutenprint 1 0 1 1
gvfs 5 0 5 5
hello 1 0 1 1
iagno 2 0 2 2
ibus-unikey 1 0 1 1
ibus10 1 0 1 1
im-config 2 0 2 2
inkscape 10 0 10 10
iso_15924 2 0 2 2
iso_3166 7 0 7 7
iso_639 18 0 18 18
iso_639_3 12 0 12 12
jade 2 0 2 2
kylin-computer-viewer 2 0 2 2
kylin-control-center 38 0 38 38
kylin-menu 2 0 2 2
kylin-update-manager 7 0 7 7
landscape-client 1 0 1 1
language-selector 2 0 2 2
ld 3 0 3 3
libapt-pkg5.0 3 0 3 3
libapt-pkg6.0 3 0 3 3
libbonoboui-2.0 1 0 1 1
libc 2 0 2 2
libexif-12 2 0 2 2
libgnome-2.0 2 0 2 2
libgnomeui-2.0 4 0 4 4
libgphoto2_port-0 1 0 1 1
libgphoto2-2 7 0 7 7
libgsf 1 0 1 1
libgweather-locations 8 0 8 8
libmatemixer 1 0 1 1
libmateweather 1 0 1 1
libvirt 5 0 5 5
libwnck 5 0 5 5
libwnck-3.0 2 0 2 2
ltsp-live 1 0 1 1
lvm2 1 0 1 1
mailman 3 0 3 3
marco 3 0 3 3
mate-applets 6 0 6 6
mate-calc 2 0 2 2
mate-desktop 3 0 3 3
mate-media 4 0 4 4
mate-notification-daemon 1 0 1 1
mate-panel 9 0 9 9
mate-power-manager 6 0 6 6
mate-session-manager 2 0 2 2
mate-settings-daemon 1 0 1 1
mate-system-monitor 9 0 9 9
mate-terminal 13 0 13 13
mate-utils 16 0 16 16
metacity 1 0 1 1
mlocate 2 0 2 2
mountall 1 0 1 1
mozo 2 0 2 2
mutt 23 0 23 23
mutter 1 0 1 1
nano 3 0 3 3
nautilus 15 0 15 15
nautilus-share 3 0 3 3
neon 2 0 2 2
net-tools 5 0 5 5
NetworkManager 11 0 11 11
orca 10 0 10 10
org.gnome.Characters 1 0 1 1
PackageKit 3 0 3 3
pam 3 0 3 3
Parse-DebianChangelog 1 0 1 1
parted 1 0 1 1
policycoreutils 9 0 9 9
polkit-1 1 0 1 1
pppoeconf 3 0 3 3
procps-ng 2 0 2 2
psmisc 1 0 1 1
python-apt 1 0 1 1
quadrapassel 2 0 2 2
quota 1 0 1 1
rhythmbox 14 0 14 14
rpm 1 0 1 1
rygel 2 0 2 2
schroot 1 0 1 1
seahorse 4 0 4 4
sed 3 0 3 3
sessioninstaller 1 0 1 1
shadow 2 0 2 2
sharutils 1 0 1 1
shotwell 11 0 11 11
simple-scan 3 0 3 3
software-properties 4 0 4 4
sudoers 15 0 15 15
sushi 1 0 1 1
synaptic 7 0 7 7
system-config-kickstart 1 0 1 1
system-config-printer 10 0 10 10
tar 5 0 5 5
texinfo 5 0 5 5
tmispell-voikko 1 0 1 1
totem 10 0 10 10
tracker 3 0 3 3
tracker-miners 1 0 1 1
ubuntu-release-upgrader 6 0 6 6
ufw 32 0 32 32
ukui/system-other-pack/libvirt/libvirt- 5 0 5 5
unity 3 0 3 3
unity-control-center 13 0 13 13
unity-lens-files 1 0 1 1
unity-scope-home 3 0 3 3
unity-settings-daemon 1 0 1 1
update-manager 5 0 5 5
update-notifier 2 0 2 2
ureadahead 2 0 2 2
usbcreator 1 0 1 1
util-linux 6 0 6 6
vino 4 0 4 4
vte 3 0 3 3
WebKit2GTK-4.0 41 0 41 41
wget 2 0 2 2
whois 6 0 6 6
xchat-gnome 7 0 7 7
xdg-desktop-portal-gtk 1 0 1 1
xdg-user-dirs 13 0 13 13
xdiagnose 12 0 12 12
xfsprogs 51 0 51 51
xkeyboard-config 165 0 165 165
xz 32 0 32 32
yelp 48 0 48 48
yelp-xsl 2 0 2 2
zenity 116 0 116 116
zenmap 78 0 78 78

Check details

Source and translation do not both start with same number of spaces